
Jardin Ethnobotanique du Kivu

South-Kivu, DRC

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The Jardin Ethnobotanique du Kivu (JEBK) is an important well established institution in the South-Kivu province in the East of the Democratic Rrepublic of The Congo, DRC. The main actions and activities at JEBK aim at achieving the 5 dimensions of the Sustainable Development Objectives of the UN 2030 agenda and beyond: social, ecological, economic  cultural and ethical dimension. 

JEBK entrance

Creation, Objectives and achievements

The JARDIN ETHNOBOTANIQUE DU KIVU, (JEBK) is a non-governmental non-profit organization created in 2019 in the Village of Kadjuchu, Territory of Kabare in the province of South-Kivu, East of the DRC. The main focus of the JEBK is dedicated to plant Biodiversity conservation, environmental education,  participative scientific research, the documentation and preservation of Traditional Botanical indigenous knowledge,  ecological restoration of most degraded areas, and services to local community.

What do we do?

What do we do?

At  the JEBK, we conduct research and environmental education according to the participative approaches.  We further document and preserve local Traditional Knowledge and expertise about plants and their local utilization such as medicinal, wild edible plant species. Therefore, we also ensure Environmental education and several services for the local community: drink water, vocational training , collecting and vulgarization of indigenous seeds of most threatened plant species,  hygienic rules and sustainable traditional agricultural approaches…

Cooperation and Partnership

The JARDIN ETHNOBOTANIQUE DU KIVU, (JEBK) is a non-governmental non-profit organization created in 2019 in the Village of Kadjuchu, Territory of Kabare in the province of South-Kivu, East of the DRC. The main focus of the JEBK is dedicated to plant Biodiversity conservation, environmental education,  participative scientific research, the documentation and preservation of Traditional Botanical indigenous knowledge,  ecological restoration of most degraded areas, and services to local community.

« We are taking small steps
to make earth better planet » Founder -Marie Fundiko

Our Core values:



Unity in Diversity & Inclusion

Integer quis hendrerit erat. Etiam lacinia, lectus faucibus malesuada suscipit, orci sapien suscipit velit, ncommodo nibh libero eu justo.